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Eighth Season

November–December 2009

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Alessandro Scarlatti NEW CD ON CHANDOS

Cantatas and Chamber Music by Scarlatti

Tempesta di Mare Chamber Players
Clara Rottsolk, soprano

Chandos Records has just asked Tempesta di Mare to produce a new CD annually for worldwide commercial release under the Chandos/Chaconne label. This vote of confidence for our artistic excellence is fantastic news indeed!

The kick-off recording is scheduled for release in April 2010, so this month we’re heading to the studio to record four cantatas and a concerto by Alessandro Scarlatti from our 2007 and 2009 Ain’t Love Grand programs with Clara Rottsolk, soprano and the Tempesta di Mare Chamber Players: Emlyn Ngai and Karina Fox (violins), Eve Miller (cello), and the two of us on recorder and theorbo.

We are asking you to help support this wonderful opportunity for Tempesta. We have to raise $10,000 to cover production costs, and hope to get one step closer to reaching this goal with your help today. We have provided a convenient pledge form for you to contribute online, or you can mail a check to Tempesta di Mare, 1034 Carpenter St, Philadelphia 19147. Your contribution is completely tax-deductible.

Please see below for the special thank-you gifts for helping out.

Chandos LogoTempesta di Mare is the first and only American baroque ensemble to appear on Chandos, internationally recognized as one of the finest independent classical music labels. Our previous three releases on that label—the acclaimed 2004 world-premiere CD of the Weiss lute concerti, the June 2007 release of Handel German Arias with Julianne Baird, and the May 2008 live in-concert world premiere recording of Fasch Orchestral Music—have received highest marks and glowing reviews worldwide.

Thank you for your continued support.

Gwyn and Richard

  • For a contribution of $100, we’ll send you a copy of the commercial CD as soon as it is released in April 2010.

  • For a contribution of $250, you’ll receive a copy of the commercial CD that will be autographed with an inscription of your choice, and be listed as a Recording Supporter in our season program books.

  • For a contribution of $500, you will receive all of the perks above, plus be included as a Recording Patron in the CD liner notes, and in a special category in our season program books.

Click here to support the Scarlatti CD project. Thank you!

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The Chamber Concerto

Tempesta’s Brandenburg series continues
Dec 19 & 20

Tempesta’s season-long exploration of J.S. Bach’s complete Brandenburg Concertos—alongside music that surrounded and inspired them—continues on December 19 and 20 with The Chamber Concerto. This program’s centerpiece is Bach’s glittering fifth Brandenburg Concerto with Adam Pearl performing the brilliant harpsichord solo. Other works include a suite for recorder and strings by Christoph Graupner, featuring Gwyn Roberts as soloist, and the lute concerto of Johann Friedrich Fasch with Richard Stone soloing. A string suite by Pachelbel and a Paris Quartet by Telemann round out this program centered on concertos for chamber ensembles.

The Chamber Concerto is an “Open Doors” free-admission program. Registration is required, and you can sign up for your free tickets here.

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Jeopardy QUIZ SHOW

We’re a Jeopardy! clue

This rhyming pair of instruments was worth $19,698

On October 20, 2009, the Final Jeopardy! clue was

In the early 18th c. Silvius Leopold Weiss wrote works for these 2 instruments whose names rhyme
The audio clue that went along with the clue was a clip of the Concerto for Lute and Flute in F from Tempesta di Mare’s Silvius Leopold Weiss: Lute Concertos CD on Chandos, performed by Gwyn and Richard. Fun!

Want to see what else was up on that day’s Jeopardy! board? Go to the J!-Archive fan site for show 5772 for the rest of the contest. (To hear the soundclip, use the link in the clue above or go to the fan site and scroll down to the Final Jeopardy! clue.)

And if you don’t yet have your own copy of the Weiss Lute Concerti CD, you can get it from amazon.com or at the iTunes store.

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Tempesta di Mare • 1034 Carpenter St • Philadelphia PA 19147 • 215-755-8776 • www.tempestadimare.org