CD: “Comédie et Tragédie Volume 1”
"It’s reassuring to know that the English and Europeans don’t have a monopoly on world class period ensembles ... Tempesta di Mare is firmly in the vanguard. Volume 2 is eagerly awaited." -Amazon Review
"It’s reassuring to know that the English and Europeans don’t have a monopoly on world class period ensembles ... Tempesta di Mare is firmly in the vanguard. Volume 2 is eagerly awaited." -Amazon Review
"★★★★ ... music which charms as much today as when composed in 1724." -BBC Music Magazine, June 2014
“ The ensemble performs with a nuanced sensitivity that immediately reveals the appeal of the music ... Highly recommended.” -Early Music America, Winter 2014.
For the holidays, Tempesta di Mare, Piffaro the Renaissance Band, and Choral Arts Philadelphia shine a light into one of the most brilliant corners of Europe: old Dresden. Christmas in Germany serves up an amazing.
Art and propaganda have rarely enjoyed a more fruitful conjunction. While Louis’s armies were winning on Europe’s battlefields, his music conquered its stages and concert halls. Tempesta di Mare’s upcoming show, Apollo at Play: Lully.
Aaron Sheehan has always been one of Tempesta di Mare’s favorite singers. His first appearance with Tempesta was in 2008 and every time he’s come back, it’s been an event.
"…Although the theme was “Great Books,” only listening, not reading, was required." — Broadway World - Classical
"…Playing on both a baroque, gut-strung violin and a metal-strung modern instrument, Ngai proved himself equally at home on both instruments and in both older and newer music." — Chestnut Hill Local
" If Handel had been able to hear it, I think he might have said he wanted Tempesta di Mare and Choral Arts to play his second performance with him." — Local Arts Live
Conductor and organist Matthew Glandorf has been Artistic Director of Choral Arts Philadelphia since 2004 and Artistic Director of the Bach Festival of Philadelphia since 2008. During his tenure at Choral Arts Philadelphia, Glandorf has.