Tempesta di Mare on Chandos Records.
Since 2004, Tempesta di Mare has recorded exclusively for Chandos Records, one of the world’s premiere classical music record labels. The company has championed rare and neglected repertoire, playing into Tempesta’s panache for finding, performing, and recording rediscoveries. The company’s aim is to present an exciting and varied selection of superbly recorded music to as many people as possible.
Featured Titles

Telemann: The Concerti-en-suite
Concerto-Suites TWV 54:F1 and TWV 51:F4, plus TWV 43:g3
Release Date: 2018

Janitsch: Rediscoveries from the Sara Levy Collection
Sonatas Op. 7 No. 2, Op. 3 No. 14, Op.6 No. 35, Op. 4 No. 21, plus Ouverture Grosso
Release Date: 2018

ComÉdie & tragÉdie, Vol. 1: Orchestral music for the theatre
Lully: Suite LWV 43, Rebel: Les Élements, Marais: Suite from 'Alcyone'
Release Date: 2015. Volume II also available.

Fasch: Orchestral Works, Vol. 3
Ouvertures FWV K: D2, FWV K: F1, Concerti FWV L: F deest, FWV L: D8, FWV L: d1, FWV L: F3 (incl. premiere recordings)
Release Date: 2012. Vol. 1 & Vol. 2 available.

bach: Six Trio sonatas
Sonatas BWV 525-530 arranged for chamber ensemble by Richard Stone
Release Date: 2014

Leopold: Lute Concerti
The 6 Lute Concerti, reconstructed by Richard Stone (premiere recordings)
Release Date: 2004
Additional titles available on our merchandise site here.
Purchase digital downloads directly from Chandos, visit: chandos.net.
Chandos is universally acclaimed for the excellence of its sound quality, recording in 24bit/96Khz PCM and now for ‘surround sound’ SACD’s in DSD.