The Horn

Rediscovering the Baroque Horn Todd Williams, Principal Horn, talks about his instrument This article originally appeared in our October 2006 newsletter. It has been slightly modified. Here’s a challenge: take sixteen feet of coiled brass.

Who was Johann Friedrich Fasch?

Who was Johann Friedrich Fasch?

Dates and Stats Born: Buttelstedt, April 15, 1688Died: Zerbst, December 5, 1758Nationality: GermanPerformed as: Violinist, Composer, and OrganistSide note of history: The court of Zerbst was the childhood home of Princess Sophie of Anhalt-Zerbst, who later became Catherine the Great.

Featured Musician: Julianne Baird

Julianne Baird, soprano Prior performances with Tempesta di Mare: *** Julianne Baird is a vocal phenomenon. . . a rare and wondrous voice guided by an extraordinary musical intelligence. Fanfare Julianne Baird has been hailed a.