Featured Musician: Adam Pearl

Adam Pearl, Harpsichord joined Tempesta di Mare in 2004 *** How did you start to play the harpsichord? What drew you to the instrument? During my undergraduate degree in piano performance, we had to take.

Real Characters

Baroque artists of all kinds created characters so vibrant that they’re still alive for us today. Just a few literary examples: Shakespeare, Cervantes’s Don Quixote, Gulliver’s Travels, and even Charles Perrault of fairy tales fame.

Music in Exile (Janitsch Rediscoveries)

“Wonderful things!” Practically dumbstruck, that’s all archaeologist Howard Carter could say at his first sight of the treasures in Tutankhamen’s tomb, glittering in their long-time hiding place. “It felt like that for me, too,” says.

Holiday Sweets

The winter holidays—there’s something so golden and lustrous about them. Here at Tempesta di Mare’s offices, in South Philadelphia’s historic Italian Market, the long nights are especially beautiful. Neighbors string lights across the narrow streets.